Thursday, September 23, 2021

Top-10 Destinations of Hunza.

Top-10 Attractions of Hunza

1-Baltit Fort:

              Baltit fort is one of the iconic heritage tourist site in Hunza. The castle is situated in at the top of Karimabad (Baltit), Hunza, Pakistan. It is 700 years prehistoric monument and it’s been 25 years since renovation. In 16th century local mire marred with baltistan princes the connoisseur craftsmen’s renovate the building as dowry.  In 2004 UNISCO considered an a heritage site. In 1945 king had abandoned the castle and moved to a new palace down lower baltit (karimabad) and the castle is become fall into ancient rune the king Mir Gazanfer contributed the fort to Aga Khan Trust For Culture Historic Site Support Program when the survey by social geographers of “Aga Khan Trust For Culture Historic Site Support Program” Team to develop proposals for restoration that would save the Baltit Fort from further decay and it is accomplished in 1996 baltit fort is now a museum which is run by Baltit Heritage Trust.

Aga Khan inaugurated the newly restored Baltit Fort in 1996 as a museum and cultural centre, attracting thousands of visitors to the area, thereby improving the livelihood of the local community and restoring pride in their heritage and raditional skills, generating new employment opportunities and providing training in the jobs needed for a changing economy. The (Baltit) Karimabad projects received a British Airways Tourism for Tomorrow Global award in 2000. According to the citation In 2004, AKTC was awarded the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Award for restoration work on Baltit Fort Visit 

Karimabad was the capital of Hunza state its old name is “Baltit” which is locally mean “Center of Hunza” and the castle is situated in the top of Karimabad the purpose of constructing the top was to save from harm as of enemies. According to historical basses, the Hunza rulers primarily be located in in nearby Altit Fort, but after a divergence between the two sons of the monarch Sultan, Shah Abbas and Ali Khan, Shah Abbas moved to Baltit Fort, making it the capital seat of Hunza. The power struggle between the two brothers finally resulted in the passing away of younger one, and consequently Baltit Fort became the prime seat of supremacy in the Hunza state.

Now baltit fort is well-known heritage site for tourist which is a remarkable monument of Hunza history which magnetizes the tourist from whole world and yearly thousands of tourist visit baltit fort for explores the history.

         Location                         :     situated in at the top of Karimabad (Baltit), Hunza, Gilgit-Baltistan                                                                                                               Pakistan.

         Restoration                   :    Restoration by “Aga Khan Trust For Culture Historic Site Support                                                                                                               Program” accomplished in 1996

2-Altit Fort:

              Altit fort is a popular historical tourist site located in Altit town, Hunza, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. The first name of Altit village was Hunukushal, which means the village of Huns. The Huns came from the Huang-Ho valley in China. It is an ancient fort around 1100 years old. It was originally Hunza King (Mir) palace,  at that time Altit was the capital of Hunza when king migrated to Baltit town although to younger baltit fort nearby three centuries later afterward Baltit was the capital of hunza. The fort is constructed on huge cliff which is approximately 1000ft above the Hunza River and fort have tower known as Shikari which means hunting tower which was build for to monitor the entire territory from enemies during war times. first shikari was built in Altit after that divergence between the two sons of the monarch, Shah Abbas (shahbos) and Ali Khan, Shah Abbas moved to Baltit Fort, making it the capital seat of Hunza and younger brother Ali Khan constructs the rest building Altit fort. The power struggle between the two brothers, Prince Ali, the younger brother made Altit Fort his strong hold and launched offensives against his elder brother. Legend has it that Ali was buried alive against a pillar inside the watch tower by Shabos , his own castle become his cemetery. The people of Altit are said to belong to the White Huns, although not much research has gone into the matter. There are several theories about their origin but local indigenous origin holds much value among the people. It is also said that the present language Burushaski was brought here by the White Huns in 47 A.D, the Huns came from the Huang-Ho valley in China.

Alit Fort is renovated by Aga Khan Trust Fore Culture Historic Cities and Support Program. The Fort is a iconic Heritage tourism site which has been open to the public since 2007.

              Location                        :     situated in Altit, Hunza, Gilgit Baltistan,Pakistan.

          Restoration                   :    Restoration by “Aga Khan Trust for Culture Historic Site Support     Program” accomplished in 2007

3-Attahabad Lake:

              Attahabad lack is a beautiful natural lake surrounding with high mountains and glaciers  it has become one of the biggest tourist attraction in whole over the world. Attahabad was a small village located in Upper Hunza (Gujal) . in 2010 naturally occurred big disaster which slide the attahabad village in to the Hunza river and hunza river was blocked defectively that land slide cut off the KKH rout and twenty people killed in this disaster the people face many obstacles and crises of food, shelter, Madison’s and clothes during that time china government and AKDN institutions provide the subsidy for victims. Approximately max depth of lack is 109m (358feet) and the length of lake is 20.9km (13miles) and water volume of attahabad lack is 330,000 acre feet (410,000,000 m3).  lake has become biggest tourist attraction in gilgit baltistan offering booting, fishing, swimming, skiing and other entertainment activities.  The water has covered under appropriately three villages’ attahabad, Hullehgush, and Aina Abad and also covered shishkat village of its bottom side.  

Location                :            Attahabad, Center Hunza, Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan

Coordinates          :            36°20′13″N 74°52′3″E

Max. Depth           :            358 feet (109 m)

Max. Length         :            13 miles (21 km)

Water Volume     :              330,000 acre feet (410,000,000 m3)

4-Borit lake:

                  Borith lack is a tiny fascinating lack located in Ghulkin, Upper Hunza(Gujal),Gilgit Baltistan in Pakistan. The depth of Lake is 179ft (54m) and the surface evaluation of lake is 2600m (8500ft) and it is 2km distant unpaved 4by4 road from KKH and its water is salty. The lake is closely near with hussaini Village and approximately 2 and half hours accessible tracking route to ghulkin glacier. it is the preeminent tourist attraction in summer from March to October there is more crowd of tourist, it is the finest destination for entertainment, for nature lovers, birdwatchers and for camping, while in winters lack is completely freezes and local people enjoying, playing games(skating) on it.

Location                      :        Ghulkin (near Hussaini Village), Upper Hunza(Gujal),Gilgit Baltistan in                                                                              Pakistan.

Max Depth                 :        179ft (54m)

Surface evaluation    :        2600m (8500ft)

5-Suspension Bridge Hussaini:

                                             Hussaini Suspension Bridge is located in hussaini Village in Upper Hunza (gujal), Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. The length of bridge is 192m (629ft) the altitude of hussani Village is is quite dangerous bridge famous in the world which interconnects the hussaini village with Zar Abad Village its lies Between Hunza River. This bridge is long and many planks are missing and strong winds can shake the bridge while crossing. The reason of this bridge is, the villagers keep their livestock to the opposite sides. It is made up of wooden and iron cables which are compactly tie with the ends by chisels with mountains The distance between attahabad lake to hussani Suspention Bridge is 8km and there is incredible zero point view of Passo cones from bridge. It was constructed in 1968 and renovate in 1983 and it was again refurbish in 2012. It’s become the best tourist attraction, for photography and enjoying for just cross-over.

Manufacture   :       1968

Location           :       Hussaini Village in Upper Hunza (gujal), Gilgt-Baltistan, Pakistan, Asia.

Max. Length    :        192m (629ft)

Altitude            :        8523m

Renovation      :       1983 and 2012

6-Khunjarab Pass:

                       Khunjarab pass is one of the famous highest pass in the world which bordering china with the Pakistan. It is located in Upper Hunza (Gujal); North Pakistan. The elevation of pass is 4693-meters (15397ft) it lays on Karakorum Range which is world tallest mountain ranges. The span of china-Pakistan border is 592 kilometers (368mi). Its runs from west-East Afghanistan to disputed area (AK) India and traverses through Karakorum mountain range and the route Karakorum high way (KKH) links Xinxiang, China to Upper Hunza (Gujal), Pakistan.

Hunza have great relationship with china from earlier times. In ancient times Hunza people trade with china there was no KKH at that time there was one way rode which was locally called “cheen-e-gen” its mean “navigation china” which access to china for trade, after that silk road was course-plotting of the time period around 114 BEC-1450s EC which across the Hunza to china the official name of silk road is the Routes Network of East and West “ Chang'an-Tianshan”  it was central to the economic and later when Pakistan government treaty with Hunza after independence than Karakorum Highway is constructed by government of  Pak-China, It is started in 1955 and was completed in 1979 which across Hunza to china, Hunza is a only territory which links or bordering Pakistan to China. Now khunjarab pass is become amazing destination for tourist thousands of people visit here from all over the world for sightseen, entertainment and for enjoyment.

     Location                       :      Upper Hunza (Gujal); North Pakistan.

     Evaluation                    :      4693-meters (15397ft).

     Border Crosses            :     west-East Afghanistan to disputed area (AK) India and traverses                                                                             through Karakorum mountain range

     Length of Border         :     592 kilometers (368mi).

7-Eagle’s Nest (Duiker):

                           Eagle’s nest (Duiker) sattelment is located in District Hunza, Gilgit-baltistan, Pakistan. The altitude of duiker above sea level is 10000ft and it is an 700meter evaluation from center Hunza. Duiker is the zero point view of entire center Hunza. Its old name is Duiker, in burushaski language it means “Very high area where eagles are staying” and that’s why it’s called now eagle’s nest. It is famous by its magnificent scenic view of sunrise, sunset, Karakorum mountain range hills and views of entire Center Hunza. It is between 30 to 35 minutes driving distant from Karimabad. Mostly tourists are going to here for photography of sunset, sunrise and photography of mountains and for capture the beauty of Hunza. Lady finger peak is quite near from Eagle’s nest (Duiker), there are few hotels for accommodation but eagles nest Hotel is the one of famous hotel in the world by its grandiose view.    

Location         :       Center Hunza, Gilgit-baltistan, Pakistan.

Altitude          :      10000ft from sea level.

Evaluation     :       700meter height from center Hunza.

View's            :       sunrise, sunset, Karakorum mountain range and Center Hunza.


Passu is stunning tourist attraction which is small village located in Upper Hunza, Gilgit Baltistan region of northern Pakistan. Passu is a popular tourist destination because of its easily accessible comprehensive landscapes, and the Passu Sar mountain which is an evaluation of 7,478 m (24,534 ft) , the Passu Glacier and passu cones 6,106m (20,033 ft).


Passu is located along the Hunza River, about 20 kilometers (12 mi) from Gulmit, the Tehsil headquarters of Gojal, in Hunza, Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan, and about 147 kilometers (91 mi) upriver from Gilgit. Passu is located in Upper Hunza ( Gojal ).

It lies extremely near the Passu Glacier, and just south near the Batura Glacier. The latter is the seventh longest non-polar glacier in the world at 56 kilometres (35 mi), and reaches very near to the karakoram highway. Borith Lake is a tiny lake below the Hussaini village in the area.

The most popular attraction tupopdan 6,106 metres (20,033 ft) also known as 'Passu Cones' or 'Passu Cathedral', lies to the north of the Gulmit village in Gojal Valley. It is the most photographed peak of the region. Also nearby are the high peaks of Pasu Sar, Shispare Sar, and Batura.

9-Batura Glacier

Batura Glacier is one of the famous iconic glacier in world the Glacier is 57 kilometres (35 mi) long, is one of the largest and longest glaciers outside of the polar regions. It lies in the Upper Hunza (Gojal) region of Gilgit-Baltistan in Pakistan. It is just north of the massifs of Batura, at 7,795 meters (25,574 ft), and Passu, at 7,500 meters (24,600 ft). The glacier expends west to east. The lower portions can be described as a grey sea of rocks and gravelly moraine, bordered by a few summer villages and pastures with herds by livestock such as sheep, goats, cows and yaks and where roses and juniper trees are common. Mostly tourist visit Batura Glacier because it is famous for trekking for short and long tourist can enjoy the Glacier trek and also have time to meet the shapers around yashparth and kuckhill.

10-Rakaposhi Mountain:

                                      Rakaposhi ranked 27th highest peak consider in the world and number 12th highest mountain in Pakistan it is in the karakoram mountain range located in district nagar, gilgit baltistan in Pakistan. The Rakaposhi Mountain is also none as “Dumani” wihich mean Mother of Clouds or mother of mist and rakaoshi locally means snow dressed Mountain. The height of rakaposhi is 7788m (25551ft) it coordinates 36°08′33″N 74°29′21″E and the mountain is extremely rare quantifying approximately 20km from East to West. In burushaski  rakaposhi  mean “sparkling cliff”. The mountain is much beautiful but it is much treacherous because it have not easy hiking tracks in any phase all western routes are so lengthy, northern routes are more difficult for climbing due to high cliffs, eastern and southern routes are so difficult due to avalanches there have many deaths while climbing mountain.

 The base of mountain is covered with huge glaciers and top side is covered by sparkling snow and the top of peak surrounding by clouds it look like crystal wondering on the sky it consider the most beautiful mountain in the world. the mountain was ascent since 1958 by Mike Banks and Tom Patey. it is one of fascinating tourist destination approximately more than lacks of tourist yearly  visit for sightseeing. When sunrise out first sun’s rays falls on the rakaposhi and its peak become gold color. The view points of the mountain which attract the tourist are gulmit , Nasirabad town and Barbar Ashaa area of Hyderabad village called the zero point of rakaposhi.

Location         :     District Nagar, Bagrote Valley, closely near Hunza Valley Gilgit Baltistan in                                                                     Pakistan.

Altitude          :      7,788m (25551f).

Ranked           :      27th highest Mountain in the World.

Coordinates  :      36°08′33″N 74°29′21″E.

Parent Range:       Karakuram Mountain range  

First Ascent   :       Since 1958 by Tom Patey and Mike Banks  

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Saturday, September 11, 2021





       Hunza is remarkably peaceful and stunning territory heaven on Earth which is located in gilgit baltistan, north of Pakistan. It is 112 km distant from Gilgit and distance between Islamabad to Hunza is 320km. Hunza valley is also known as Hunzo which is enclosed with fascinating vast glaciers and snow capped mountains. The illustrious high peaks comprise Rakaposhi which is (7788m) 25550ft, ladyfinger is 20000ft height and Ulter sar is 17388ft stature. 800 years old Baltit fort is another attraction in Hunza.

 The Hunza valley is bordering with china to the north-east, Pakistan to the west-south and Afghanistan to the north-west. Hunza is geographically at an elevation of 2438m (7999ft) and Density is 6.4/km2 (17/sq mi) the time zone of Hunza is UTC+5 (PST). Hunza is consist on three regions Upper Hunza (Gujal), Center Hunza (Hunzo) and Lower Hunza (Shinaki) and in those three regions speak different three languages “burushaski” language speaks in Center Hunza (Hunzo), “wakhi” language speaks in Upper Hunza(Gujal) and “shinah” language speaks in Lower hunza(Shinaki). Hunza was isolated princely state where the kings government was run before 1974, after treaty since 1974 by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto then accomplished the princely governance and then Hunza is part of Pakistan


People & Education:

The total population of hunza is 243324. Above 90%
people are ismili shiah muslims also known as aga khani who are the worshiper of aga khan iv and remaining people are shiah muslims. The people of Hunza valley are very healthy and have the longest lifespan. They remain strong even in old age. This is because of the pure water they drink and their indigenous diet. The people of hunza are affectionate hospitality. Almost above 94% people are literate, approximately every child in Hunza attends School up to at least the high School level, although many pursue higher studies at universities to go down cities of Pakistan and out of the country. Outside of Hunza Education in Pakistan is rather bleak In the early part of the 20th century, mirs(king) of Hunza state he emphasis to educate their commonality.


The Hunza Valley is home to various festivals related to religion, culture and ordinary life events. These festivals fall into two main categories religious festivals and cultural festivals. 

The religious festivals include:

·            Eid-Ul-Azha

·            Eid-Ul-Fitr

·            Eid-Ul-MeladulNabi

·            Nowroz festival

·            Shab-e Barat,

·            Shab-e-Miraj,

·           EidGhadeer,

·           Salgira-e- Imam Zman  Mubarak (Birthday of Agha khan)

  The cultural festivals include.

·          Ginini

·          Bohfaow

·          Novroz

·          Thumoshaling

The traditional festival Ginani which is celebrated by the local community with many gatherings organized in entire hunza. This festival is celebrated to welcome the new preliminary harvesting season with joy and happiness. The celebrations are commemorates enthusiastically and made with dance, music and traditional dishes.  

Another famous festival is Novroz the Spring Blossom Festival which is the New Year considering in Hunza which gives the people an opportunity to sit together and enjoy life. The community do Exhibitions, sports programs and cultural shows attract the audience in this festival to celebrate the cultural heritage of the region.

Thumoshaling: is the exciting festival in the history of Hunza celebrating people together in which collect woods by local commonality and make bonfire and celebrate very enthusiastically.


        The people of Hunza wears different cloths
 in different seasons like in summer from April to 
August is quite pleasant, people requires to wear
 light clothes. While, during in winters from October to March wear thick woolen clothes.
  The women particularly wear colorful cloths,
 shalwarqamiz and cover their heads with traditional embroidered caps. Although For men, the common dress is ShalwarQamiz and caps made out of hand woven woolen material known as (Farxin). In winters they wear traditional gowns called (Shukah) as overcoats.

Territory’s of Hunza:

                        Hunza is consisting on three regions Upper Hunza (Gugal), Center Hunza (Hunzo) and Lower Hunza (Shinaki) and in these regions have various territories and towns which are following.

1.Upper Hunza (Gogal):

                        The territories of upper hunza are Chaman Gul, Gulmit, Ghulkin, Hussani , Pasu, Khyber,Jamalabad , Gircha,  Sost, Nazimabad, khuda Abad, Hussain Abbad, Misghar,  Chupursan, and  Khunjarab (Khunjarab Pass).

2.Center Hunza (Hunzo):

                   The territories of Center Hunza are Hasanabad, Murtaza Abad, Ali Abad, Noorkhand (Dourkhand), Hyderabad, Gerelt, Karimabad, Ganish , Momin Abad (barreshal) Sultanabad, Altit, Faizabad Ahmed Abad, Salmanabad, sarat, shishkat and Attahabad

3.Lower Hunza(Shinaki):

                 The territories of lower Hunza are Khizar Abad, Hussain Abad, Maiun, Khana Abad and Nasirabad.

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